Nazi Bitches In the history of humanity, has it ever worked to install a psychotic narcissist moron as dictator to lead a Fascist state? I don't think so. All the examples I know of where psychotic narcissist morons became dictators were tragedies that starterd out badly and got precipitously worse
Pretty Pics, Ugly 'tics, Crazy Flicks I woke up this morning surprised to find a few inches of snow on the ground. When I went to bed the weather report was predicting heavy rain, nothing about snow. I think they must have fired the meteorologists and replaced them with AI because the weather has been consistently
Snow Day There's something magical about about the first snow of the year, especially for photographers. It's like we've never seen snow before, and no one else has either, and we've just got to get out there and document it. Then it snows again,
A Day of Patriotic Devotion - Part II Eight years ago I attended Trump's first inauguration and created a little photo story about my adventure. The conceit was that I'd drive around Appalachia on my way to D.C. and juxtapose pictures of rural America with whatever would be going on at the inauguration.
Newsletter Highway 61 Revisited - Part 2 This is Part 2 of the tale of my recent trip to Mississippi where I attended the Deep Blues Festival in Clarksdale, which was headlined by Scott H. Biram. But there were a lot of other acts, and I got out to the countryside quite a bit as well. See
Newsletter Day Break in Brooklyn Yesterday was J’Ouvert and it got me feeling nostalgic so I revisited the photos I took in 2013 and processed a few that I had never processed before. So here ya go, never before seen photos from my J’Ouvert project. J’Ouvert is a spin off of the
Newsletter Fine Dining in Hell Home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. - Bane I am pretty much an asocial hermit these days. My wife and kids are the only people I can stand to be around for extended periods. Most people who know me from childhood got that and moved
Newsletter You in the Deep South now, boy I saw one of those clickbait maps the other day about Canadian tourist destinations in the US and the Deep South had a big X through it and text saying “Do Not Go There.” That pretty much summed up my attitude about the South that I’d held for the
Newsletter The Real America I’m planning a big photo project but have been struggling to find a purpose for it. Of course the thought crosses my mind to go out and photograph The Real America but before it gets to the other side of that road, the words “Robert Frank” run it over
Newsletter Living on the Side of the Road With this photo, I finally feel like I’m getting somewhere with the medium format camera. Click on it and give it a good look. I think it’s got some Rousseau vibes. If I were an entirely different person I could AI in a tiger and there you’d
Newsletter More Lessons on Nature Photography In the last edition I said something to the effect that nature photography was mostly a matter of where you stand. That’s true as a prerequisite, but for one thing it can be very difficult and require high level hiking and survival skills to get to the right spot.