Here We Be

About This Broken Land
"This Broken Land" delves into the unsettling realities endemic to the unrelenting enshitification of our lives by big capital and poor education. That, and whatever else I may have on my mind at any given moment. Or from time to time, just some pretty pictures. Or not so pretty pictures. It could be anything, really. But over the years I've noticed that consistent themes have emerged. The concept of broken land representing environmental and social trauma being one of them.
About Me

I have training and professional experience as a documentary photographer and writer. I'm mostly retired now and no longer feel the need to appear sane, not that it was ever all that great a concern. I joke a lot, so it's best not to take the more insane things I write or visually communicate too seriously. I'm pretty much half-joking about everything all the time. Of course that means I'm half-serious, too.
Buddhism is one of my biggest influences. Its insight that the world is illusion and nothing really matters has had a profound influence on my outlook and how I've lived my life.
And now I'm told that roughly half the quantum physicists believe it's possible we're living in a computer simulation, which I think fits the facts. How else do you explain Donald Trump becoming President... twice, and all the fundamental change to reality that had to occur over 65 years for that to happen. The idea that some alien kid is fucking with us by changing the rules of the game makes at least as much sense as the collective insanity hypothesis, or that we are living in the End Times prophesied in Christian crap and by phony Christian hucksters.
The good thing is that it doesn't really matter. Whether it's a simulation, randomly generated material reality, or the four horsemen of the apocalypse - all we can do is live our lives as best we can, and be happy more often than not if we are lucky.
But still, I see things and it is my nature to document them. So here we be.