Newsletter Working Underground I’ve started going in caves again recently. When I was a kid my friends and I went caving a lot. There are little caves in and around Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois that are known to the locals. We’d just go in with a few flashlights and
Newsletter The Mechanized Carnival A friend and I were driving back from Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois when we spotted a little mechanized carnival in the small town of Stone Fort. I first heard the term mechanized carnival when I asked why the local 4-H fair no longer had typical rides such as
Newsletter Opioids, Pain, Awe, and a Mother's Love Discussed in this article: Why Americans Feel More Pain …economic insecurity is associated with more pain. So are discrimination and unhappiness. Pain can lead to depression, causing further pain. “Loneliness strongly predicts the development of pain,” another study found. In effect, chronic pain is tightly woven into the bundle of
Newsletter Update and some photos I’ve been working on a somewhat ambitious story and am trapped in the weeds, which is why I haven’t posted anything for a couple weeks. To remedy that, I’ll show you a few photos. If you follow my Instagram, you’ve probably seen some of them, but
Newsletter Fried Chicken and Watermelon A few thoughts on racist imagery and a certain film by Spike Lee
Newsletter Comparing Red States and Blue States: Which Party is more Pro-Life? Look at what they do, pay little attention to what they say.
Newsletter Everything that's Wrong with Andrew Sullivan in one Post? Well, that would be a tall order, but this comes close
Newsletter Foggy Night at the Old Mental Hospital This photo is from the grounds of an old state mental hospital. The hospital used to look like something out of an old horror movie but now it’s been replaced with a modern building and most of the grounds turned into a public park and is typically a cheerful