Nazi Bitches

Nazi Bitches

In the history of humanity, has it ever worked to install a psychotic narcissist moron as dictator to lead a Fascist state? I don't think so. All the examples I know of where psychotic narcissist morons became dictators were tragedies that starterd out badly and got precipitously worse as the regime inevitably swirled the drain, or exploded like a septic tank that accumulated too much poison gas.

Well, maybe this time will be different, eh? We're the U.S.A. and we're special. We have not one, but two drug addled psychotic narcissists playing strong man, so maybe two will work where one has always failed? Number two is stupid in his own way, to be sure, but not in the same stupid league as the big guy. But no, there's no way it will work. Our big step-daddies are broken men flailing violently about in this broken land. Destroying the government and rebuilding it in their image will be as horrific as they are. Probably worse, if that's even possible.

I criticize the Democratic Party leadership a lot because they are, you know, weak and pathetic. The examples of their weakness and pathos would be way too much to detail in a volume the size of the Encyclopedia Britannica, so it's not remotely possible to even dent the subject in a few paragraphs.

But take this one, huge example. The Republicans have gone unapologetically Fascist to the point openly praising Hitler and routinely throwing out the Nazi salute, and the Democrats cannot come up with a response that resonates with anybody. How incompetent is that? Pretty fucking incompetent. It shouldn't be at all difficult to run them out of town on rails for that kind of shit.

Could there be an easier target? The Nazi's were quite likely the worst regime in the history of the world. They were responsible for 10's of millions of deaths, an untold amount of destruction, and they left their country a smoking heap of rubble with almost no young men and their young women mostly prostitutes for the occupying armies. The Nazi's were the worst, but all the Fascist dictatorships in the history of the world have been bad to some degree, usually catastrophically so. And that's the kind of government the Republicans want for America? And the Democrats can't put up an argument against that? Really?

I used to genuinely question whether the Democrats were a real political party or just a paid foil to the Republicans, much like the Washington Generals are to the Harlem Globetrotters. The Generals may play hard for a few quarters, and even take the lead from time to time, but they always fold in the end. That's what they are paid to do. Lose.

I no longer wonder about that though. I accept that the Democrats are all too real. They are Washington Generals who a play the role naturally, not even realizing they are who they are and that they do what they do. They are the political version of the media as exposed in "Manufacturing Consent." Useless idiots for short. Or Useful idiots, if you're a Republican, or Nazi.

Although I am now certain that the Democratic Party is a real political party, I am not altogether certain that they are real. As you probably know, about half the quantum physicists think it's possible, maybe likely, that we are living in a computer simulation, so I always consider that when something in life is just so inexplicable as to be unbelievable. The utter and disgusting weakness and pathos of the Democrats is a good example of something questionable. Can they really be that bad? Or is some alien youth at the game controls, or maybe a human kid in the 31st century, fucking with us by progressively making the game ever more ludicrous? That theory fits the facts about as well as any other theory that explains the Democratic Party vs. Donald Trump and the Republicans. When Trump actually grows horns and a pointy tail and they make him Pope and the media compares him favorably to other Popes and the Democrats take a wait/see attitude as he devours Christian babies on Fox News, then we'll know for sure.

Anyhow, enough about aliens and simulations. Even if it's true, it really doesn't matter.

Back here in what passes for reality, I sometimes think about what kind of ads I would come up with if I were in charge of the Democrat's messaging. Here's one example about the Nazi thing.

If you're old enough to remember the anti-littering ad with the old Indian shedding a tear, you know that one image really can change the world. People used to routinely through their trash out the car window and all the roads were lined with litter. After that ad, all that got cleaned up and has, for the most part, stayed cleaned up.

It doesn't happen often, but it happens. I think the Democrats could recycle that image and make at least a dent in the narrative. Instead of an Indian looking out at a garbage dump and shedding a tear, have a veteran watching the Nazi's marching in Charlottesville and the insanity of a Trump rally and Musk and Bannon giving the Nazi salute. The veteran sheds the tear at the end as the narrator intones something like: "Our greatest generation fought the Nazis and now the Republicans have become Nazis. Now you can be a part of the next greatest generation. Become a Democrat. Help Save America."

Or better yet, create an AI versions of John Wayne or George C. Scott as Patton for the ad. Flood the internet. Or dig up the corpse of Ronald Reagan and put those words in his mouth. He put the country on the road to this hell, but he wouldn't have had any part in this nonsense. He'd kick Trump's ass all the way back to Jersey.

Then make a similar ad with a veteran that fought against Russia and the KGB in the Cold War. Now the President is a Russian Intelligence asset controlled by a former KGB agent who's out to destroy America. behold the garbage that is the Republican Party. Shed that tear.

I'm pretty sure those ads would work. They probably wouldn't change the world, but they would certainly make a splash. And there's a lot more where that came from. But no, the Democrats would never go for something like that. They wouldn't want to offend a lot of people who would never vote for them anyway, or the Washington press corp, who would tut tut.

Or quite possibly, the Democratic Party leadership is just not programmed that way. The might start singing "Daisy" if you press them too hard. It really wouldn't surprise me all that much.

It will take those kinds of appeals to emotion to turn things around because, unfortunately, rational arguments don't go very far with normal people these days. Take this guy, for example. He's a farmer who had just put up those solar panels when this picture was taken. He's a very smart guy with an Ag degree from Purdue, which is a prestigious cow college in the Midwest. I asked him what made him want to go solar. He said he'd save a lot of money and showed me how his meter was running backwards. I said something like, yea, and it will help a little to fight global warming, too, eh. He said that global warming was a hoax, that there were warmer years here in the 1930's. I replied that it's global warming, not Point Township warming. He just scowled.

Interesting aside: My grandfather on my mother's side worked for that guy's grandfather. I never heard anyone describe it that way, but technically my grandparents were a tenant farmers. They lived in a house provided by the big farmer as part of the pay, which wasn't much. My grandmother kept a huge garden and there was a big root cellar. They ate a lot of potatoes all winter. The guy's grandfather was a character. He was the richest farmer in the area and well-known across several states for having the biggest barn around. I've seen pictures and it was truly gigantic. Easily the biggest barn I've ever seen. But his real claim to fame was for breeding Zebroids. Reportedly they were better for plowing the fields than mules, but then along came things with motors called tractors and he was stuck with a bunch of big useless striped equines. People came from miles around to see them though, or so I was told by my grandparents, and they would know.

Point is, there's no way you can reach people like that with rational arguments. You have to appeal to their emotions. And if it will also appeal to their pocketbooks, so much the better. But although it's true that Republican shit is not helping regular people's pocketbooks, I hate the appeal. In a more ideal world, we'd be encouraging people to live simpler lives and not want so much. Freeing oneself from material desire and simplifying one's life accordingly is not only a good strategy for living a happier and healthier life, it's what we're going to have to do as a species to mitigate the oncoming climate catastrophe that will almost certainly be a horror show unprecedented in human history, unless you believe in Noah's Ark, which is the proper cautionary tale.

Seriously though, it's not like we're going to stop shitting where we eat anytime soon. Apparently it's just not human nature to save the species if we have to give up a few little conveniences. We're just not that intelligent.
