Dummy Line Road. Yazoo River bank.Old tree, possibly evil.The Big Apple Inn, Jackson.Pig ears (L), chopped smoke sausage (R).Tallula, Louisiana.Vicksburg. This is part of the battlefield from the American Civil War where the North struck what would enable the eventual death blow to the south. Learning a little about and contemplating how the battles there played out is a powerful lesson in the absurdity of a person going off to die in a war. Imagine running up those hills with lines of rifles firing down on you. The entire region is soaked in blood and horror beyond our popular imaginings. The Vicksburg campaign is not the worst of it.Home.Swamp.Metal things.Monotone perspective.Cypress swamp across the river in Louisiana.Aden Mounds, three mounds surrounding a rectangular plaza that opens to Jeff Davis Bayou. Constructed circa AD 850-1000, possibly started as early as AD 200-400. There are over 30 mound sites along Highway 61. And a couple really special sites across the river in Louisiana.Jackson.Reflect.